Reduce Costs and Risks
Get the benefits of a cloud based solution. Always up to date and accessible from anywhere on any device.
World Class Security
Hosted in Australia. Secure Tier 1 data centres. Physically and digitally secure using industry leading best practices.
Great Flexibility
Easy to use wizards and forms allow you to make the platform meet your unique needs.
CRM WISE Service offers powerful support capabilities that allow your support team to streamline case management and ensure the highest possible level of customer service to your clients.
CRM WISE Service helps contact centres improve productivity and lower operational costs by enabling agents to manage all customer interactions across all communication channels from a single web interface.
CRM WISE Marketing is a powerful multi-channel campaign solution built on best practices.
CRM WISE Marketing allows you to create, manage, execute and track various types of marketing campaigns, such as: Personalised mass email. Newsletters.
Targeted automated drip campaigns. Web, radio, television and traditional mail. Trade shows and other events.